Our Staff

Rev. Thomas G. Fanta

(216) 991-1444

Jim Carr

Music Ministry Director
(216) 225-7029

Maureen Covington

School Principal

Faye Forney

Caring Ministry Pastoral Associate

Maddie Laird

Youth Minister

Landon Lamontagne

Youth Choir Director

Stefanie Lanese

Parish Records & Ministry Schedules
(216) 991 - 1444

Anna Mialky

Youth Minister

Gaile Ozanne

Director of Parish Life
(216) 991 - 1444

Kathy Ristau

St. Dominic Young Families

Lorraine Rakoczy

(216) 991-1444

Rick Schenkelberg

Business Manager
(216) 991-1444

Tim Sokal

Pastoral Associate
(216) 991 - 1444

Kera Verdi

Catechesis of the Good Shepherd
(216) 561-4400

Grace Wilson

Communications Director

Liz Woconish

Director of Religious Education
(216) 561-4400